skate-aid e.V. Essen

skate-aid e.V. Essen

It’s a great pleasure that skate-aid e.V. Essen already has a very active funding organization, that supports our work through many own actions and with the help of its numerous supporting members. We say thank you and keep up the good work!

skate-aid e.V. Essen
Heinrich-Held-Straße 33
45133 Essen

Amtsgericht Essen, VR 5324
Representes by the managing board:

Oliver Noack (Chairman)

If you would like to support the local projects of skate-aid e.V. Essen, we would greatly appreciate a donation to:
IBAN: DE46 3602 0030 0000 1561 59 / SWIFT-BIC: NBAGDE3EXXX / Nationalbank Essen


Oliver Noack
1st Chairman