In 2021, we offered girls with our GIRLS SKATE! campaign and a series of workshops the opportunity to discover skateboarding for themselves. Together with our skate-aid coaches and the support of female skateboarders they could make the first steps on a skateboard. The goal was not only to generate enthusiasm for skateboarding among the participants, but also to build a new community that will foster, support and encourage girls to pursue their dreams and grow into empowered women in the long run.
On the GIRLS SKATE! Tour 2021 it was for four weeks all about the strong women of the future. What started as a special awareness campaign for girls in skateboarding and "female empowerment" has now developed into a permanent skate-aid initiative. With GIRLS SKATE! we want to actively change role stereotypes and encourage girls to pursue their interests and develop their skills.
In June and July, we visited 17 cities in Germany with our mobile skate park, consisting of a transportable miniramp, obstacles and corresponding equipment, such as skateboards and safety gear, in order to conduct pedagogical skateboarding workshops for girls in cooperation with local institutions.
The workshop afternoons were conducted by four skate-aid coaches. Participants were 20-25 girls (and boys) between 6 and 16 years old. Various youth facilities, such as children's and youth homes and other non-profit institutions, were happy about the change for the kids and were grateful for the free support.
With the GIRLS SKATE! Tour 2021 we empowered more than 500 kids!
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