2019 skate-aid's work in Germany has reached a new level. A mobile skate park including a „mobile miniramp“ has been purchased and we have been operating it in Münster and the surrounding area. With this "mobile mini-ramp" we have conducted a one-week educational program at 10 schools. Students (and teachers too) can learn what skating is all about and what mechanisms skateboarding can set in motion…and that's a whole lot:
Support of personality development of kids and teenagers
Development of intrinsic motivation
Promoting creativity, motivation and determination
Promoting sport, international sentiment and tolerance
coping with trauma
After completing the project week, we hand over 10 sets consisting of skateboards, safety gear and helmets to each school for further use.
The spring and summer season 2022 was a complete success for skate-aid international e.V.: After visiting six schools in 2021 and meeting huge demand beyond that, we managed to visit a total of ten schools this year. Among them were two schools with special needs, four elementary schools and four secondary school types. Over the season, we were able to tell over three hundred kids about self-determined learning and the importance of intrinsic motivation through our educational skateboarding workshops. In November 2022, the completion of the second mobile mini ramp took place, which will be used in the 2023 season and will allow us to visit about twenty schools.
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