
The commitment of skate-aid is based on the principles of good professional practice in charitable work. We fulfill our goals as defined in the statutes and move within the legal framework of youth welfare service, promotion of international attitude and tolerance in all areas of culture and international understanding as well as the promotion of sports. The use of our funds is also within this framework, as it is intended for tax-privileged purposes.

The statutory work of the associations is - qua natura at registered societies - controlled by the annual general meetings. Here the executive committees have not only to report on all activities, but also to account for the annual financial statement. Within the scope of the annual tax returns, the tax authorities also check the use of funds and issue a corresponding exemption certificate as recognition of the non-profit status if everything is in order.

How much money goes into our projects?

When you make a donation to skate-aid, you want your donation to actually reach our children and youth work. Therefore we want to be completely transparent towards you about the origin and the use of our funds.

Where does the money for our projects come from?

In 2018, 89% of the money was donated, membership fees were 7% and the income from events and other income was 2% each. In 2018, we had an income of EUR 194,963.90 and in 2017, EUR 354,317.60 were collected.

Income from our online store, from cooperations with companies and workshops financed by sponsoring are not included here. These entrepreneurial activities are carried out by the skate-aid-support GmbH, which in turn supports the charitable work of skate-aid.

Exact numbers and details can be found here: