"Enjoy and help" is the motto when skate-aid founder Titus Dittmann invites people to a family party.  For the 4th time, the DITTMANN MATINEE took place in his private backyard in Münster to celebrate with friends and raise funds for the charitable work of skate-aid. Despite the mixed weather, even more guests came than in previous years and did not hold back with praise for the special feel-good atmosphere. As always, numerous prominent faces mingled with the guests. The DITTMANN MATINEE was once again held under the motto: "CARS, ART OR CAN GO AWAY" and many artists brought skateboard decks specially designed for the matinee to reward generous donors. A total of €23,000 was raised for skate-aid projects. True to the motto "We empower kids", there were also two kids' corners where the youngsters could self-determined under pedagogical supervision screw, solder and glue small cars, paint their own boards or try out skateboarding on the miniramp.