help across the board
We empower kids! Help across the board


about skate aid

skate-aid stands for a holistic, self-determined approach to the support of young people in the context of youth aid, sport, culture and international understanding. Our Mission: We empower kids! Since Titus Dittmann founded skate-aid in2009, we use the pedagogical power of skateboarding in our worldwide projects. It gives kids and teenagers orientation and identity-creating freedom in their orientation phase and helps them to develop into strong individuals based on self-determination and intrinsic motivation. Thus, skate-aid provides sustainable socialization, prevention and peace work, where social injustices and difficult living conditions endanger young people and inhibit their development.

Donate now

Support us with your donation and help skate-aid to keep the help rolling:
-by building skate parks as safe spaces for self-socialization, integration and inclusion
-through workshops to support intrinsic motivation, creativity, commitment and resilience
-through events to strengthen the personality and social skills.
We empower kids - help us!



On 01.04.2025 we will start our “Skating instead of Ritalin” project again. Every Tuesday we offer two courses at the Skatehall Berlin, Revaler Str.99: from 5:00-6:30 and from 6:30-8:00 pm.


I’m sitting here in the cold at the skate-aid hostel near Butwal, Nepal, drinking my morning Coffee in the January fog. The morning wakes up, roosters crow, the air is chilled, people are slowing stirring. It’s been nearly 3 months as a skate-id international volunteer and, reflecting on my time here, I feel so incredibly grateful for this opportunity and have been having so much fun. The kids and community here make me smile every day.

Sample projects

Nepal ist ein historisch reiches und schönes Land in Südasien und hat sich schnell entwickelt und modernisiert, mit dem Ziel, bis 2022 die Kategorie „Am wenigsten entwickelnde Länder“ der Vereinten Nationen zu verlassen. 2015 wurde Nepal von einem verheerenden Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 heimgesucht, das viele Teile des Landes in Trümmern hat liegen lassen. Die Einführung einer neuen sozialen Infrastruktur in Nepal ist ein weiterer entscheidender Schritt für den Wiederaufbau und die Entwicklung des Landes. Wir wollen mit dem neuesten skate-aid Skatepark und Sport-Bildungsprogramm an diesem Fortschritt teilnehmen.

Uganda Skateboard Union x skate-aid

skate-aid build a skatepark in Kampala together with the Uganda Skatebaord Union. The plans for the near future are to extend the park and to build an office and a storage for hardware.

Transparent & well organized Learn more

Help us

Whether as a private person, celebrity or company ... it is about the commitment of each individual, the personal commitment and the lifeblood, if you want to promote a good cause. That's why we appreciate any form of support. Together with you we empower kids! Be part of our mission and check out many possibilities to help us.